![]() 06/12/2019 at 16:27 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
What do you do/carry to ensure your safety day to day? Do you do nothing? or do you have an underground bunker with 12,000 rounds of ammo, reserves of food/water and some sort of special post apocalypse vehicle?
I live in an earthquake area. They are always telling us to prepare, yet, to my shame I have no plans. No weapons (not legal in Canada anyway) , no emergency equipment other than a flashlight and first aid kit in the Kia.
I’ve decided to remedy this with some Lifestraws (as we live on a small creek and close to a large river) as well a solar charger deal.
It isn’t exactly anything major, but would get my wife and I through a day or two if needed.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 16:32 |
Not working, usually I keep an emergency first aid kit and a safety knife in my car. At home, I’ve got plenty of bottled water, but not really much food wise. I should probably change that.
At work, well, I’m pretty prepared.
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I have all of my camping, hunting, and backpacking gear at the house. There is fresh water 50 yards (close to a meter) away. I’m good for 1 week before we will need food. I can hit anything within 300 yards of the house with my .270, and I think I have about 50 rounds, enough to keep the UN forces at bay.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 16:34 |
50 yards is a bit more than a meter ;)
I am like...your average urban townhouse dweller. Dead after 3-4 days without outside intervention
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You could just door dash food during the ap oca lypse.
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I have 2 small dogs and a cat. They’re not big but there is some meat on them ...
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Well, in my house I have practically everything . We have enough canned/dry food to last us a few days, bottled water, etc. I also have a stream in my backyard and a Britta pitcher and some Lifestraws. I’ve got plenty of tools, scrap wood, tarps, etc. While not hoarder/prepper level, my wife is slightly obsessed with keeping “adequate levels” of necessities in the house like toilet paper, toothpaste, commonly used canned food items , etc. I think it’s an I talian-American thing.
The weapons thing is somewhat overrated. Unless you live in a shitty area, most people tend to come together and help one another in a disaster situation, not kill each other . That doesn’t start till later, when society completely collapses. Then again , I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. All that aside, I’m already covered in this area. I have a gas mask and anti-c’s (anti-contamination suit), some MREs, and a few other silly things like that courtesy of my time in the service, but you can improvise a lot of that stuff (those 3M painting masks with the right filters are quite effective).
In the car I keep a blowout bag - basically a legit f irst aid kit, not a red box full of various size bandaids. Though I do have some bandaids in it, I’ve got alcohol pads, quick clot, “israeli bandages”, a tou rni que t, plastic bandages (i can’t remember what they’re called, but they are great for sucking chest wounds), and some other stuff I can’t remember off the top of my head. I also have a roadside emergency box with jumper cables, flares, flash light, some basic hand tools, a quart of oil, a can of fix-a-flat, a towel, a poncho, a “space blanket”, an e-tool (folding shovel), etc.
My “EDC” is a Bur tsbees (for whatever reason I have perpetually chapped lips) and a small pocketknife. Don’t need much more than that.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 16:46 |
On my person daily? I carry a small folding knife in my pocket, as every person over the age of about 12 should. I could carry a concealed firearm in 30 some odd states if I wanted to, but I simply don’t have the need or desire to carry. I don’t get paid to carry firearms for a living anymore, and well into my 30's now I’ve got very little inclination to get involved in something that could necessitate one as a civilian.
In the truck? I’ve always got some basic gear stashed. Jumper cables, tow strap, e-tool, tarp, blanket and/or sleeping bag depending on the season, chem lights, rope, ratcheting tie downs and a basic tool kit if I’m going anywhere back country.
At home? There’s a few firearms and probably a few thousand rounds of ammo in total, mostly because it cheaper to buy in case quantity. The camping/backpacking and old tactical gear is always in the house, and I keep a few gallons of water and some cases of MRE’s on hand to go with a 5-gallon jug of gasoline or two kept in the garage.
I suppose on some level I accept that in some end of the world scenario, ammunition means I can probably get whatever else I need until it no longer matters either way.
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I don’t have much besides my backpacking equipment and pantry, which give me enough incidental food reserves for a few days, three different water treatment systems, stoves to cook with, headlamps, and two USB power banks in mostly-charged state (for the headlamp if phones are kaput) .
Oh, and I also a have post-apocalypse-compatible vehicle that can haul a decent amount of cargo:
![]() 06/12/2019 at 16:50 |
As my crazy aunt likes to say, ammunition will be the currency of the New World Order. Sounds like we will be rich men in apoca lypse.
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I don’t have anything specifically for that purpose but between my hunting and camping gear and my wife’s need to buy in bulk we’d be good for a while. Two things I would like to do are add solar and battery backup for our house so the well and refrigerators can still function. And i want to add a manual pump to the well, just in case.
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OMFG. I’m laughing....
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You reminded me to go home and fix up the ol’ bicycle.
Maybe I should make a trailer for it...
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A ton of water and kidney beans. That’s basically it.
My friend is a hardcore prepper, although it's more because he likes to build things than any real fear of catastrophe. I'm the event of an emergency, I'll just scurry on over to his bunker
![]() 06/12/2019 at 17:34 |
I dont plan for shit. Living in the first world, I just figure the odds of anything going down are pretty low. I just rely on there being cell service, having money in my wallet, and access to AAA and/or Uber. The only real planning I do is to always carry tools in my trunk so that I can fix simple things whereever, especially since I dont actually have cell service during much of my commute. And I always have water because that is really the only essential that I will die without for a few days.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 17:42 |
Always have blankets & water in the truck, so could easily survive a day or two if needed.
About a week of food at home.
Have a camper stored offsite that could be used to pack up & move for and extended period, generally stored with 20-30 gallons of water as well. There’s no way to get from my house to the camper without going through either the shithole section of town, or what is likely to be the worst possible traffic zones. So, will need to accept mowing down some people if need be.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 21:21 |
Acres of wood, 40000 litres of water, a wood burner, solar panels, many hand tools and a vegetable garden.
When the electricity and liquid fuel runs out... we’ll still be fine for a bit.
![]() 06/12/2019 at 21:22 |
“Acres of wood, 40000 litres of water, a wood burner, solar panels, many hand tools and a vegetable garden”
I asked about your prep plan, not your minecraft map
![]() 06/12/2019 at 21:37 |
Oooh I forgot about Minecraft! I'll h ave to get another solar panel before the Apocalypso!